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Survey menu on Dashboard allows users to create surveys with variety of responses types. This features supports many variants of surveys formats, such as:

  • Opinion Scale: Define negative attitude options on the left side scale and positive attitude at the right side scale.
  • Free Text: Let your respondents answer your question by long text with maximum 600 characters.
  • Number: let your respondents answer your question with number value.
  • Yes or No: Let your respondents answer your question with Thumbs Down icon for negative opinion and Thumbs Up for positive opinion.
  • Multiple Choice: Let your respondents choose a single option from group of option.
  • Check Box: Let your respondents choose multiple option from group of option.

This flexibility enables the creation of comprehensive surveys tailored to gather detailed and specified feedback.

Create Surveys and Save

In this section users can create surveys and save their survey as a draft. These features enable users to store the survey temporarily and return to it later for further editing. This functionality provides flexibility and convenience, allows users to develop their surveys at their own pace and ensure accuracy before distribution.


  1. Click button New Survey, complete field:
    • Survey title
    • Description,
    • Start/End Date,
    • Maximum Response, and
    • Point Reward per Response.

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  1. Click Create Survey

  2. Choose Question types

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  1. Fill in all questions needed for surveys

  2. Click button Save.

Create Survey and Publish

In this section users can create surveys and publish surveys once the survey is finalize. Users can publish to make surveys available for the respondents.


  1. Click button New Survey, complete field:
    • Survey title
    • Description,
    • Start/End Date,
    • Maximum Response, and
    • Point Reward per Response.

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  1. Click Create Survey

  2. Choose Question types

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  1. Fill in all questions needed for surveys

  2. Click button Publish.

View Survey Response

This menu allows users to access and review the responses submitted for their survey. The features include list of respondents name, email address, and response submitted time.


  1. Click selected Survey Name

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  1. Clicks vertical dots menu at selected folders, appear 2 options such as Response, View Survey , and Delete Survey

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  1. Click Response, If the survey has been completed by respondents, the results will be visible here. If not, it will also be indicated,

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Download Survey Response

This menu enables user to export survey response for offline analysis and reporting, exporting formats provided in CSV.


  1. Select survey which you want to export
  2. Click vertical dots at right corner
  3. Click Responses
  4. Click Export
  5. Responses will downloaded in CSV formats.